Armand SAG
Rewriting History And Passing Blame: A Comparative Study Between The Katyn Massacres (1940) And The Armenian Relocation (1915)
ORCID iD: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1686-2513
Ph.D. Fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Chairman of Institute for Turkish Studies, Utrecht
Armand Sag pointing out that they were victims of other nations that were oppressing them. Two clear examples for this were the Armenians during their war effort against the Ottoman Empire during World War One (1914-1918); and the Soviet Russians in Poland during Second World War (1939-1945). In both events, the perpetrators tried (and still try) to shift their role in the events from committing atrocities, to victims and heroes. A comparative look into the two case studies will be a good start for a preliminary research in which an outline and model will be determined for nations who have resorted to rewriting history in the process of nation building.
Keywords: Soviet Union, Poland, World War Two, Ottoman Empire, World War One . . .
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