470) A Register of Mark Bristol's Papers in the Library of Congress
Registers of Papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress
Prepared by Manuscript Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C.
Administrative Information
The papers of Mark Lambert Bristol (1868-1939), Navy admiral and U.S. High Commissioner to Turkey, were given to the Library of Congress in 1946 by the estate of his wife, Helen Moore Bristol.
In 1947 Katherine F. Brand processed the Bristol Papers and prepared a preliminary guide. In 1978, the collection was reorganized and a new register prepared by Michael J. Sullivan and Sherralyn McCoy.
The Library has no information on the status of copyright in the unpublished writings of Mark Lambert Bristol in these papers and in other collections of papers in the Library's custody.
Photographs and maps have been transferred to the appropriate custodial division of the Library of Congress where they are identified as part of these papers.
Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 39.2 Approximate number if items: 33,000
Biographical Note
1868, Apr. 17 Born, Glassboro, N.J.
1887 Graduated, United States Naval Academy Married Helen Beverly Moore
1908 Inspector of ordnance, Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, R.I.
1911 Inspector of ordnance, Whitehead Torpedo Co., England Commander, USS Monterey
1913 Promoted to captain
1913-16 Director of Naval Aeronautics
1917-18 Commander, USS North Carolina and USS Oklahoma
1918-19 Commanding officer, United States Naval Base, Plymouth, England
1919-27 Commander, United States Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters and United States High Commissioner to Turkey
1922-23 Attended the Lausanne Conference
1927-29 Command of U.S. Asiatic Fleet with rank of admiral
1930-32 Chairman of Executive Committee, General Board, Washington, D.C.
1932 Retired, United States Navy
1939, May 13 Died, Washington, D.C.
Scope and Content Note
The papers of Mark Lambert Bristol span the years 1882-1939, although the major part of the collection is concentrated in the period from 1919 to 1939. Consisting of diaries, correspondence, memoranda, reports, official dispatches, telegrams, speeches, press releases, appointment sheets, and scrapbooks, the collection reflects Admiral Bristol's naval career, his eight years as a diplomat, and an active retired life.
Although the material from the early years is sparse, the collection documents Bristol's early interests in naval personnel and gunnery, and its provides insights into his growing responsibilities as Director of Naval Aeronautics. The collection is particularly rich in its coverage of his duties as Commander of the U.S. Detachment in Turkish Waters and his concurrent service as U.S. High Commissioner to Turkey in the years 1919-27. The papers reveal the character of political, military, social, and economic conditions in the Near East in the years following World War I, covering racial and religious conflicts; Allied activities in pursuit of special interests, mandates, and empire; the decline of the Ottoman Empire; and the rise of Mustafa Kemal and the Nationalist Movement that led to the founding of modern Turkey. The collection also contains information on the military and political actions underway in Southern Russia-Bolshevik activities and the advance of the Red Army, the resistance of the White Russians under Generals Denikin and Wrangle, and related Allied activities. The destablizing effects of these political and military developments in Russia and the Near East produced a large population of refugees. The papers document the relief efforts to mitigate the effects of the war, postwar revolution, and the Russian famine. As the top representative of the U.S. Government in Turkey, Bristol became involved in matters of trade and commerce and worked with philanthropic and educational organizations active in the area.
When the Admiral assumed command of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet in September 1927, his duties were almost exclusively naval in character and required constant travel. During this period the collection is largely professional and personal in scope, lacking the broad overview available during the years in the Near East. Although the coverage is not extensive, the collection does reflect the activities of the Nationalist Chinese, the Communist movement, and foreign governments involved in the Far East. During his retirement years Bristol continued to pursue many of the interests he had developed during his naval years, maintaining contacts in Turkey and the Far East. He also inaugurated some new activities, working with the Democratic League of the District of Columbia, pursuing an active involvement in the politics of peace and control of illicit drugs, and attempting to establish a shipbuilding operation in Florida.
The family papers include Bristol's correspondence with his wife, Helen Moore Bristol, their correspondence with their respective families, and Mrs.
Bristol's general correspondence. The Admiral's correspondence with his wife is predominantly personal in nature. While his correspondence with his family is also largely personal, it does reflect some of the business and economic realities of the thirties. Mrs. Bristol's correspondence constitutes the bulk of the family papers.
The diaries document the Admiral's daily activities in the Near East, including meetings with local officials and representatives of foreign governments as well as with Americans engaged in business affairs, missionary activities, or affiliated with relief or educational organizations. The diaries also provide information on such matters as his unofficial attendance, from November 1922 to February 1923, at the Lausanne Conference and his 1924 travels through Anatolia en route to visit Angora (Ankara). The diaries treat the Admiral's affairs with varying degrees of detail, sometimes offering only a list of callers, sometimes a concise statement of a discussion, and sometimes a detailed account of specific encounters. Included in the diaries are weekly reports of operations which provide data on the location and operation of naval forces, information bearing on local conditions (usually taken from ships' diaries), and often a general summary of conditions in the area. The diaries of his wife, Helen Moore Bristol are included in this series.
The correspondence series represents the largest part of the collection and reflects Bristol's personal and professional activities. The series is divided into two parts, general correspondence and official correspondence. The former covers the years 1900-39 and documents almost all aspects of Bristol's affairs. During his tour of duty in Turkey, Bristol communicated with officials at all levels of the Departments of State and Navy. His dual role made his office a focal point for information and intelligence, and his correspondence contains much on conditions and activities in the Near East. His tours of duty in the Far East and on the General Board in Washington, D.C., are reflected by correspondence which relates more to personal and professional activities than to political and social matters. The official correspondence consists largely of dispatches sent and received. This material relates chiefly to the miscellaneous operations, activities, and personnel of the mission in Turkey. A substantial amount of official correspondence relating to specific topics is in the subject file. Also included in the official correspondence is the orders to duty file dated 1887-1928.
The subject file consists largely of official dispatches from the Admiral's years in Turkey and personal correspondence from the period of his retirement. Information on conditions and activities which Bristol transmitted to the State Department are arranged under the name of the geographic area, the organization, or individual involved. Material from the retirement years includes documentation of Bristol's association with the near East Foundation, the New Orient Society, the World Narcotic Defense Association, his political activities with the Democratic Party, and his efforts to organize the Southern Shipbuilding Corporation. While the greatest part of the series deals with his years in Turkey and in retirement, the file includes information dealing with his service as censor of news releases during the Navy's 1914 operations in the Vera Cruz area, the development of
naval aeronautics, and his involvement in disarmament during his service on the General Board in Washington. While the subject file constitutes a convenient concentration of material on specific issues, the coverage is not exhaustive.
The miscellany file contains records of Bristol's daily appointments, invitations, printed material, scrapbooks, and an index to the original order of the Admiral's correspondence for the years 1919-29.
In addition to the Bristol papers described here, the Manuscript Division also holds the Bristol papers that form part of the Library's Naval Historical Foundation collection. Those papers, which consist of about 100 items, relate to Bristol's participation in the naval aeronautics program, 1913-18.
Description of Series
Container Nos.Series
1-8 Diaries, 1882-1931. Diaries kept while on duty as Commander, U.S. Fleet in Turkish Waters, 1919-27; diary of fleet manuevers, 1931; and diaries of Helen Moore Bristol, 1882-1929. Arranged chronologically.
8-29 Family papers, 1882-1939, n.d. Letters sent and received between family members and Helen Moore Bristol's general correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
29-64 Correspondence, 1884-1939, n.d. Letters received and copies of letters sent, including memoranda, telegrams, postcards, and related material, arranged in two categories:
29-61 A. General, 1900-39. Letters concerning Bristol's personal, naval, and diplomatic activities. Arranged chronologically.
61-64 B. Official, 1884-1928. Dispatches sent and received while on duty as High Commissioner to Turkey, 1919-27, and orders to duty, 1884-1928. Arranged chronologically.
64-80 Subject file, 1906-39, n.d. Correspondence, dispatches sent and received, memoranda, trial transcripts, reports, press releases, and drafts of speeches. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
81-98 Miscellany, 1915-39, n.d. Appointment sheets, invitations, printed matter, index to the original numerical file, and other material. The printed matter is arranged by subject; other material is chiefly arranged chronologically.
Container List
Container Nos.Contents
DIARIES, 1882-1931
1 1919 Feb.-Dec. (10 folders) 1920 Jan.-May (5 folders)
2 June-Dec. (7 folders) 1921 Jan.-May (5 folders)
3 June-Dec. (7 folders) 1922 Jan.-May (5 folders)
4 June-Dec. (7 folders) 1923 Jan.-Feb. (2 folders)
5 Mar.-Dec. (10 folders) 1924 Jan.-Feb. (2 folders)
6 Mar.-Dec. (10 folders) 1925 Jan.-June (6 folders)
7 July-Oct. (5 folders) 1926 Jan.-Dec. (12 folders) 1927 Jan.
8 Feb.-May (4 folders) 1931 Feb. 6 May (4 folders) Helen Moore Bristol Dec. 1882 1884, 1907, 1911 1916, 1928 1929
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d.
Container Nos.Contents
8 (cont.) 1907 8 June-16 July 19 July-15 Aug.
9 17-31 Aug. Sept. 1 Oct.-27 Dec. Letters in diary form 5 Dec. 1907-6 Feb. 1908 6 Feb.-3 Apr. 3 Apr.-9 May 1908 21 Feb.-14 May 1909 19 Apr.-27 Nov.
10 1910 25 Jan.-20 Oct. 1911 31 Jan.-20 Dec. 1912 11 Jan.-7 May 3 June-7 Nov. 1913 2 Jan.-19 Mar. 18 Apr.-31 Aug. 2 Sept.-31 Dec.
11 1914 7 Jan.-4 Mar. 18 Sept.-4 Nov. 1915 8 Feb.-26 Oct. 1916 9 Mar.-20 Apr. 1 May-28 June July 1 Aug.-29 Sept. 17 Oct.-28 Dec. 1917 16 Apr.-15 May
12 16 May-15 June 9 July-27 Dec.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
12 (cont.) 1918 15 Jan.-9 July 13 Aug.-30 Sept. 1 Oct.-31 Dec.
13 1919 Jan. 1 Feb.-30 Mar. 1 Apr.-9 Sept. 1922 5-20 Dec. 1923 8 Sept.-19 Oct. 25 Oct.-26 Nov. 1924 4 Aug.-20 July 1926 1927 22 Jan.-30 June 1928 7 Jan.-31 July
14 1 Aug.-27 Nov. 1929 17 Feb.-30 July 1 Aug.-21 Oct. 1931 2 Sept.-12 Jan. 1939 Undated Other family members Charles L. Bristol Dec. 1932-Mar. 1937 John B. Bristol July 1931-Dec. 1933 Jan. 1934-Dec. 1935
15 Jan. 1936-June 1939 Mark L. Bristol, III Apr. 1932-Apr. 1939 Helen Moore Bristol general correspondence 1882-86 1887 Jan.-Aug. Sept.-Dec. 1888 Jan.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
16 Helen Moore Bristol general correspondence 1898-1906 (6 folders)
17 1907 1908 Feb.-Apr. May June July-Dec. 1909 Jan.-June
18 July-Dec. 1910 Jan.-May June-Dec. 1911-17 (4 folders)
19 1918-19 (3 folders) 1920 Jan.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. 1921 Jan.-May June-Dec. 1922 Feb.-July
20 Aug.-Dec. 1923 Jan.-July Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. 1924 Jan.-Apr. May-Aug.
21 Sept.-Dec. 1925 Jan.-June July-Dec. 1926 Jan.-Mar. Apr. July-Nov.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
22 Helen Moore Bristol general correspondence 1926 Dec., n.d. 1927 Jan.-May June-Sept. Oct.-Dec., n.d. 1928 Jan.-May
23 June-Nov. Nov.-Dec., n.d. 1929-32 (4 folders)
24 1933-36 (4 folders) 1937 Jan.-Apr. May-Nov. Dec., n.d. 1938 Jan.-Apr.
25 May-Dec., n.d. 1939 May-June July-Aug., n.d. Undated Family (2 folders)
26 1920's (5 folders) 1930's
27-29 General (16 folders)
29 (cont.) 1900 16 Apr.-8 May 1908 1910-12 1914 Jan.-June 1915 Feb.-July
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1900-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
30 1915 July-Dec. 1916-17 (2 folders) 1918 Jan.-Aug. Sept.-Dec.
31 1919 Jan.-May June-Aug. Sept.-Nov. Dec. Undated 1920 Jan. Feb.
32 Mar.-Nov. (9 folders)
33 Dec. 1921 Jan.-Feb. (5 folders)
34 Mar.-May (4 folders)
35 June-Sept. (5 folders)
36 Oct.-Dec. (3 folders) 1922 Jan.-Mar. (3 folders)
37 Apr.-Oct. (5 folders)
38 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1923 Jan.-Feb. (3 folders)
39 Mar.-June (4 folders)
40 July-Oct. (4 folders)
41 Oct.-Dec. (5 folders) 1924 Jan.
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1900-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
42 1924 Feb.-June (5 folders)
43 June-Oct. (6 folders)
44 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1925 Jan.-Mar. (3 folders)
45 Apr.-Aug. (5 folders)
46 Sept.-Nov. (6 folders)
47 Dec. 1926 Jan.-Apr. (6 folders)
49 Sept.-Dec. (4 folders) 1927 Jan.-Feb. (2 folders)
50 Mar.-Apr. (5 folders)
51 May-Dec. (8 folders)
52 1928 Jan.-May (5 folders)
53 June-Oct. (5 folders)
54 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1929 Jan.-Mar.
55 Apr.-Oct. (7 folders)
56 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1930 Jan. May-Dec. (3 folders) 1931 Jan.-Feb.
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1900-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
57 1931 Mar.-Dec. (3 folders) 1932 Jan. Mar.-July (2 folders)
58 Aug.-Dec. 1933 1934 1935 Jan.-July (2 folders)
59 Aug.-Dec. 1936 (2 folders) 1937 (2 folders)
60 1938 Jan.-May June-Oct. Nov.-Dec. 1939 Jan.-Mar. Mar.-Dec. Undated
61 Undated (4 folders)
Dispatches received 1924 1925 1926-27
62 Dispatches sent 1924 Jan.-Sept. Oct.-31 Dec. 1925 1926 Jan.-Apr. 1927 Miscellaneous, 1924-27 (3 folders)
63 (3 folders)
OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1884-1928 (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
63 (cont.) Dispatches sent Orders to duty Aug. 1884-May 1903 May 1903-Nov. 1908 Nov. 1908-Mar. 1916 Mar. 1916-Jan. 1919
64 Jan. 1919-Sept. 1928
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d.
American Coalition, 1933 American Commodities Export Corp., 1936-37 American Friende of Turkey Oct. 1929-May 1938 (4 folders)
65 American Peace Society, 1938-39 American Red Cross, 1920-23 American Relief Administration, 1922 Armenia, 1919 Arms control and disarmament 1918-34, n.d. (2 folders)
66 (3 folders) Brown, Constantine Bulgaria, 1919, 1922 (2 folders) Carp, Bertha Castleman, Kenneth A., 1919-34 Caucasus, 1919-23 (4 folders)
67 China Institute in America China Child Welfare Civilian Military Education Fund Council on Foreign Relations Crane, Richard Democratic Party June 1933-Mar. 1939 (4 folders) Disarmament
68 Dunn papers, 1919-22 Ends of the Earth Club Fleet maneuvers Foreign Policy Association
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
68 (cont.) Greece, 1920, 1922 (2 folders) Hall of Nations of American University Graduate School Haskell Mission, Jan.-Aug. 1920 (2 folders)
69 High Commissioner, 1923 Hopkins, Paul S. Klein, Julius Kung, H. H., 1929-35 Lausanne Conference, 1922-23 (2 folders) Lectures, addresses, 1906-39 (5 folders)
70 Lectures, addresses, (2 folders) Military order of the World War Money allotments and salaries, 1923 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Narragansett Bay Naval Station (3 folders) National Parole Conference, 1939
71 Naval Academy Association (2 folders) Naval aeronautics, 1923-17, n.d. (5 folders)
72 Naval Historical Foundation Navy General Board, 1920-32 Ships orders, 1917-18 Travel and transfer, 1927-32 Near East Foundation (3 folders) New Orient Society of America North Carolina, University of, Library Opium Ottoman Empire Commercial, 1920-21 (2 folders) Military 1920-21 (1 folder)
73 (1 folder) Political, 1920 Refugees and relief, 1921 Peace Personnel bill, Helen Moore Bristol, 1910 Powell, J. B., 1930-35 Presidential campaign, 1932 Russia Denikin and Wrangel campaigns, 1920
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
73 (cont.) Russia McCully file, 1920 (2 folders) General situation
74 Refugees, 1923-35 (4 folders) Relief work, 1922-23 (2 folders) South Russia, 1922 Savannah case, 1938-39 Shanghai optician, 1929-30 Smyrna General situation, 1919, 1922 High Commissioner messages sent, 1922
75 High Commissioner messages received, 1922 Inquiry, 1919 Investigation, Dec. 1924 (5 folders)
76 Navy messages received, 1922 Political and military, 1923 Southern Shipbuilding Corp. (3 folders) Syria, general, 1919 Syria and Cilicia, 1920 Tash, Moukbil K., 1939
77 Town Hall of Washington, 1934-39 (2 folders) Turkey British, French and Allies in 1919 Commercial, 1922 General situation, 1919, 1922 (3 folders) Military, 1922-23 (2 folders) People, 1919-38
78 Political, 1922-23 (2 folders) Refugees, 1922-23 (3 folders) Ships and shipping U.S. Maritime Commission, 1936 U.S. Naval Institute, 1930-32 (2 folders)
79 Vera Cruz, 1914 (8 folders)
80 (3 folders) Washington Criminal Justice Commission Wilbur, Harry Curran (3 folders) World Narcotic Defense Association (2 folders)
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
80 (cont.) Wright, Mrs. Hamilton Yourkevitch Ship Designs Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.
MISCELLANY, 1915-39, n.d.
81 Appointments file 1919-22 (5 folders)
82 1922-24 (7 folders)
83 1924-28 (5 folders)
84 1928-39 (3 folders) Biographical information Financial papers, 1915-37
85-86 Invitation file (14 folders)
87 (7 folders) Awards and citations See also Oversize
88 Composition, Helen Moore Bristol Drawings Clippings (4 folders)
89 (4 folders) Printed material American Peace Society
90 China Council on Foreign Relations International narcotics manufacture agreement
91 London Naval Disarmament Conference, 1930 Science news Social issues Scrapbooks Helen Moore Bristol Turkish-American relations (2 vols.)
92 Turkish-American relations
MISCELLANY, 1915-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
92 (cont.) Unidentified material Index to correspondence 1919-25
93 1919-21
94 1922-23
95 1924-25
96 1925-26
97-98 1928-29
OV 1 Miscellany Awards and certificates (container 87) (1 folder)
OV 2 (1 folder)
© Holdwater
Prepared by Manuscript Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C.
Administrative Information
The papers of Mark Lambert Bristol (1868-1939), Navy admiral and U.S. High Commissioner to Turkey, were given to the Library of Congress in 1946 by the estate of his wife, Helen Moore Bristol.
In 1947 Katherine F. Brand processed the Bristol Papers and prepared a preliminary guide. In 1978, the collection was reorganized and a new register prepared by Michael J. Sullivan and Sherralyn McCoy.
The Library has no information on the status of copyright in the unpublished writings of Mark Lambert Bristol in these papers and in other collections of papers in the Library's custody.
Photographs and maps have been transferred to the appropriate custodial division of the Library of Congress where they are identified as part of these papers.
Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 39.2 Approximate number if items: 33,000
Biographical Note
1868, Apr. 17 Born, Glassboro, N.J.
1887 Graduated, United States Naval Academy Married Helen Beverly Moore
1908 Inspector of ordnance, Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, R.I.
1911 Inspector of ordnance, Whitehead Torpedo Co., England Commander, USS Monterey
1913 Promoted to captain
1913-16 Director of Naval Aeronautics
1917-18 Commander, USS North Carolina and USS Oklahoma
1918-19 Commanding officer, United States Naval Base, Plymouth, England
1919-27 Commander, United States Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters and United States High Commissioner to Turkey
1922-23 Attended the Lausanne Conference
1927-29 Command of U.S. Asiatic Fleet with rank of admiral
1930-32 Chairman of Executive Committee, General Board, Washington, D.C.
1932 Retired, United States Navy
1939, May 13 Died, Washington, D.C.
Scope and Content Note
The papers of Mark Lambert Bristol span the years 1882-1939, although the major part of the collection is concentrated in the period from 1919 to 1939. Consisting of diaries, correspondence, memoranda, reports, official dispatches, telegrams, speeches, press releases, appointment sheets, and scrapbooks, the collection reflects Admiral Bristol's naval career, his eight years as a diplomat, and an active retired life.
Although the material from the early years is sparse, the collection documents Bristol's early interests in naval personnel and gunnery, and its provides insights into his growing responsibilities as Director of Naval Aeronautics. The collection is particularly rich in its coverage of his duties as Commander of the U.S. Detachment in Turkish Waters and his concurrent service as U.S. High Commissioner to Turkey in the years 1919-27. The papers reveal the character of political, military, social, and economic conditions in the Near East in the years following World War I, covering racial and religious conflicts; Allied activities in pursuit of special interests, mandates, and empire; the decline of the Ottoman Empire; and the rise of Mustafa Kemal and the Nationalist Movement that led to the founding of modern Turkey. The collection also contains information on the military and political actions underway in Southern Russia-Bolshevik activities and the advance of the Red Army, the resistance of the White Russians under Generals Denikin and Wrangle, and related Allied activities. The destablizing effects of these political and military developments in Russia and the Near East produced a large population of refugees. The papers document the relief efforts to mitigate the effects of the war, postwar revolution, and the Russian famine. As the top representative of the U.S. Government in Turkey, Bristol became involved in matters of trade and commerce and worked with philanthropic and educational organizations active in the area.
When the Admiral assumed command of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet in September 1927, his duties were almost exclusively naval in character and required constant travel. During this period the collection is largely professional and personal in scope, lacking the broad overview available during the years in the Near East. Although the coverage is not extensive, the collection does reflect the activities of the Nationalist Chinese, the Communist movement, and foreign governments involved in the Far East. During his retirement years Bristol continued to pursue many of the interests he had developed during his naval years, maintaining contacts in Turkey and the Far East. He also inaugurated some new activities, working with the Democratic League of the District of Columbia, pursuing an active involvement in the politics of peace and control of illicit drugs, and attempting to establish a shipbuilding operation in Florida.
The family papers include Bristol's correspondence with his wife, Helen Moore Bristol, their correspondence with their respective families, and Mrs.
Bristol's general correspondence. The Admiral's correspondence with his wife is predominantly personal in nature. While his correspondence with his family is also largely personal, it does reflect some of the business and economic realities of the thirties. Mrs. Bristol's correspondence constitutes the bulk of the family papers.
The diaries document the Admiral's daily activities in the Near East, including meetings with local officials and representatives of foreign governments as well as with Americans engaged in business affairs, missionary activities, or affiliated with relief or educational organizations. The diaries also provide information on such matters as his unofficial attendance, from November 1922 to February 1923, at the Lausanne Conference and his 1924 travels through Anatolia en route to visit Angora (Ankara). The diaries treat the Admiral's affairs with varying degrees of detail, sometimes offering only a list of callers, sometimes a concise statement of a discussion, and sometimes a detailed account of specific encounters. Included in the diaries are weekly reports of operations which provide data on the location and operation of naval forces, information bearing on local conditions (usually taken from ships' diaries), and often a general summary of conditions in the area. The diaries of his wife, Helen Moore Bristol are included in this series.
The correspondence series represents the largest part of the collection and reflects Bristol's personal and professional activities. The series is divided into two parts, general correspondence and official correspondence. The former covers the years 1900-39 and documents almost all aspects of Bristol's affairs. During his tour of duty in Turkey, Bristol communicated with officials at all levels of the Departments of State and Navy. His dual role made his office a focal point for information and intelligence, and his correspondence contains much on conditions and activities in the Near East. His tours of duty in the Far East and on the General Board in Washington, D.C., are reflected by correspondence which relates more to personal and professional activities than to political and social matters. The official correspondence consists largely of dispatches sent and received. This material relates chiefly to the miscellaneous operations, activities, and personnel of the mission in Turkey. A substantial amount of official correspondence relating to specific topics is in the subject file. Also included in the official correspondence is the orders to duty file dated 1887-1928.
The subject file consists largely of official dispatches from the Admiral's years in Turkey and personal correspondence from the period of his retirement. Information on conditions and activities which Bristol transmitted to the State Department are arranged under the name of the geographic area, the organization, or individual involved. Material from the retirement years includes documentation of Bristol's association with the near East Foundation, the New Orient Society, the World Narcotic Defense Association, his political activities with the Democratic Party, and his efforts to organize the Southern Shipbuilding Corporation. While the greatest part of the series deals with his years in Turkey and in retirement, the file includes information dealing with his service as censor of news releases during the Navy's 1914 operations in the Vera Cruz area, the development of
naval aeronautics, and his involvement in disarmament during his service on the General Board in Washington. While the subject file constitutes a convenient concentration of material on specific issues, the coverage is not exhaustive.
The miscellany file contains records of Bristol's daily appointments, invitations, printed material, scrapbooks, and an index to the original order of the Admiral's correspondence for the years 1919-29.
In addition to the Bristol papers described here, the Manuscript Division also holds the Bristol papers that form part of the Library's Naval Historical Foundation collection. Those papers, which consist of about 100 items, relate to Bristol's participation in the naval aeronautics program, 1913-18.
Description of Series
Container Nos.Series
1-8 Diaries, 1882-1931. Diaries kept while on duty as Commander, U.S. Fleet in Turkish Waters, 1919-27; diary of fleet manuevers, 1931; and diaries of Helen Moore Bristol, 1882-1929. Arranged chronologically.
8-29 Family papers, 1882-1939, n.d. Letters sent and received between family members and Helen Moore Bristol's general correspondence. Arranged chronologically.
29-64 Correspondence, 1884-1939, n.d. Letters received and copies of letters sent, including memoranda, telegrams, postcards, and related material, arranged in two categories:
29-61 A. General, 1900-39. Letters concerning Bristol's personal, naval, and diplomatic activities. Arranged chronologically.
61-64 B. Official, 1884-1928. Dispatches sent and received while on duty as High Commissioner to Turkey, 1919-27, and orders to duty, 1884-1928. Arranged chronologically.
64-80 Subject file, 1906-39, n.d. Correspondence, dispatches sent and received, memoranda, trial transcripts, reports, press releases, and drafts of speeches. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
81-98 Miscellany, 1915-39, n.d. Appointment sheets, invitations, printed matter, index to the original numerical file, and other material. The printed matter is arranged by subject; other material is chiefly arranged chronologically.
Container List
Container Nos.Contents
DIARIES, 1882-1931
1 1919 Feb.-Dec. (10 folders) 1920 Jan.-May (5 folders)
2 June-Dec. (7 folders) 1921 Jan.-May (5 folders)
3 June-Dec. (7 folders) 1922 Jan.-May (5 folders)
4 June-Dec. (7 folders) 1923 Jan.-Feb. (2 folders)
5 Mar.-Dec. (10 folders) 1924 Jan.-Feb. (2 folders)
6 Mar.-Dec. (10 folders) 1925 Jan.-June (6 folders)
7 July-Oct. (5 folders) 1926 Jan.-Dec. (12 folders) 1927 Jan.
8 Feb.-May (4 folders) 1931 Feb. 6 May (4 folders) Helen Moore Bristol Dec. 1882 1884, 1907, 1911 1916, 1928 1929
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d.
Container Nos.Contents
8 (cont.) 1907 8 June-16 July 19 July-15 Aug.
9 17-31 Aug. Sept. 1 Oct.-27 Dec. Letters in diary form 5 Dec. 1907-6 Feb. 1908 6 Feb.-3 Apr. 3 Apr.-9 May 1908 21 Feb.-14 May 1909 19 Apr.-27 Nov.
10 1910 25 Jan.-20 Oct. 1911 31 Jan.-20 Dec. 1912 11 Jan.-7 May 3 June-7 Nov. 1913 2 Jan.-19 Mar. 18 Apr.-31 Aug. 2 Sept.-31 Dec.
11 1914 7 Jan.-4 Mar. 18 Sept.-4 Nov. 1915 8 Feb.-26 Oct. 1916 9 Mar.-20 Apr. 1 May-28 June July 1 Aug.-29 Sept. 17 Oct.-28 Dec. 1917 16 Apr.-15 May
12 16 May-15 June 9 July-27 Dec.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
12 (cont.) 1918 15 Jan.-9 July 13 Aug.-30 Sept. 1 Oct.-31 Dec.
13 1919 Jan. 1 Feb.-30 Mar. 1 Apr.-9 Sept. 1922 5-20 Dec. 1923 8 Sept.-19 Oct. 25 Oct.-26 Nov. 1924 4 Aug.-20 July 1926 1927 22 Jan.-30 June 1928 7 Jan.-31 July
14 1 Aug.-27 Nov. 1929 17 Feb.-30 July 1 Aug.-21 Oct. 1931 2 Sept.-12 Jan. 1939 Undated Other family members Charles L. Bristol Dec. 1932-Mar. 1937 John B. Bristol July 1931-Dec. 1933 Jan. 1934-Dec. 1935
15 Jan. 1936-June 1939 Mark L. Bristol, III Apr. 1932-Apr. 1939 Helen Moore Bristol general correspondence 1882-86 1887 Jan.-Aug. Sept.-Dec. 1888 Jan.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
16 Helen Moore Bristol general correspondence 1898-1906 (6 folders)
17 1907 1908 Feb.-Apr. May June July-Dec. 1909 Jan.-June
18 July-Dec. 1910 Jan.-May June-Dec. 1911-17 (4 folders)
19 1918-19 (3 folders) 1920 Jan.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. 1921 Jan.-May June-Dec. 1922 Feb.-July
20 Aug.-Dec. 1923 Jan.-July Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Dec. 1924 Jan.-Apr. May-Aug.
21 Sept.-Dec. 1925 Jan.-June July-Dec. 1926 Jan.-Mar. Apr. July-Nov.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1882-1939, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
22 Helen Moore Bristol general correspondence 1926 Dec., n.d. 1927 Jan.-May June-Sept. Oct.-Dec., n.d. 1928 Jan.-May
23 June-Nov. Nov.-Dec., n.d. 1929-32 (4 folders)
24 1933-36 (4 folders) 1937 Jan.-Apr. May-Nov. Dec., n.d. 1938 Jan.-Apr.
25 May-Dec., n.d. 1939 May-June July-Aug., n.d. Undated Family (2 folders)
26 1920's (5 folders) 1930's
27-29 General (16 folders)
29 (cont.) 1900 16 Apr.-8 May 1908 1910-12 1914 Jan.-June 1915 Feb.-July
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1900-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
30 1915 July-Dec. 1916-17 (2 folders) 1918 Jan.-Aug. Sept.-Dec.
31 1919 Jan.-May June-Aug. Sept.-Nov. Dec. Undated 1920 Jan. Feb.
32 Mar.-Nov. (9 folders)
33 Dec. 1921 Jan.-Feb. (5 folders)
34 Mar.-May (4 folders)
35 June-Sept. (5 folders)
36 Oct.-Dec. (3 folders) 1922 Jan.-Mar. (3 folders)
37 Apr.-Oct. (5 folders)
38 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1923 Jan.-Feb. (3 folders)
39 Mar.-June (4 folders)
40 July-Oct. (4 folders)
41 Oct.-Dec. (5 folders) 1924 Jan.
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1900-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
42 1924 Feb.-June (5 folders)
43 June-Oct. (6 folders)
44 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1925 Jan.-Mar. (3 folders)
45 Apr.-Aug. (5 folders)
46 Sept.-Nov. (6 folders)
47 Dec. 1926 Jan.-Apr. (6 folders)
49 Sept.-Dec. (4 folders) 1927 Jan.-Feb. (2 folders)
50 Mar.-Apr. (5 folders)
51 May-Dec. (8 folders)
52 1928 Jan.-May (5 folders)
53 June-Oct. (5 folders)
54 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1929 Jan.-Mar.
55 Apr.-Oct. (7 folders)
56 Nov.-Dec. (2 folders) 1930 Jan. May-Dec. (3 folders) 1931 Jan.-Feb.
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1900-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
57 1931 Mar.-Dec. (3 folders) 1932 Jan. Mar.-July (2 folders)
58 Aug.-Dec. 1933 1934 1935 Jan.-July (2 folders)
59 Aug.-Dec. 1936 (2 folders) 1937 (2 folders)
60 1938 Jan.-May June-Oct. Nov.-Dec. 1939 Jan.-Mar. Mar.-Dec. Undated
61 Undated (4 folders)
Dispatches received 1924 1925 1926-27
62 Dispatches sent 1924 Jan.-Sept. Oct.-31 Dec. 1925 1926 Jan.-Apr. 1927 Miscellaneous, 1924-27 (3 folders)
63 (3 folders)
OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1884-1928 (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
63 (cont.) Dispatches sent Orders to duty Aug. 1884-May 1903 May 1903-Nov. 1908 Nov. 1908-Mar. 1916 Mar. 1916-Jan. 1919
64 Jan. 1919-Sept. 1928
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d.
American Coalition, 1933 American Commodities Export Corp., 1936-37 American Friende of Turkey Oct. 1929-May 1938 (4 folders)
65 American Peace Society, 1938-39 American Red Cross, 1920-23 American Relief Administration, 1922 Armenia, 1919 Arms control and disarmament 1918-34, n.d. (2 folders)
66 (3 folders) Brown, Constantine Bulgaria, 1919, 1922 (2 folders) Carp, Bertha Castleman, Kenneth A., 1919-34 Caucasus, 1919-23 (4 folders)
67 China Institute in America China Child Welfare Civilian Military Education Fund Council on Foreign Relations Crane, Richard Democratic Party June 1933-Mar. 1939 (4 folders) Disarmament
68 Dunn papers, 1919-22 Ends of the Earth Club Fleet maneuvers Foreign Policy Association
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
68 (cont.) Greece, 1920, 1922 (2 folders) Hall of Nations of American University Graduate School Haskell Mission, Jan.-Aug. 1920 (2 folders)
69 High Commissioner, 1923 Hopkins, Paul S. Klein, Julius Kung, H. H., 1929-35 Lausanne Conference, 1922-23 (2 folders) Lectures, addresses, 1906-39 (5 folders)
70 Lectures, addresses, (2 folders) Military order of the World War Money allotments and salaries, 1923 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Narragansett Bay Naval Station (3 folders) National Parole Conference, 1939
71 Naval Academy Association (2 folders) Naval aeronautics, 1923-17, n.d. (5 folders)
72 Naval Historical Foundation Navy General Board, 1920-32 Ships orders, 1917-18 Travel and transfer, 1927-32 Near East Foundation (3 folders) New Orient Society of America North Carolina, University of, Library Opium Ottoman Empire Commercial, 1920-21 (2 folders) Military 1920-21 (1 folder)
73 (1 folder) Political, 1920 Refugees and relief, 1921 Peace Personnel bill, Helen Moore Bristol, 1910 Powell, J. B., 1930-35 Presidential campaign, 1932 Russia Denikin and Wrangel campaigns, 1920
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
73 (cont.) Russia McCully file, 1920 (2 folders) General situation
74 Refugees, 1923-35 (4 folders) Relief work, 1922-23 (2 folders) South Russia, 1922 Savannah case, 1938-39 Shanghai optician, 1929-30 Smyrna General situation, 1919, 1922 High Commissioner messages sent, 1922
75 High Commissioner messages received, 1922 Inquiry, 1919 Investigation, Dec. 1924 (5 folders)
76 Navy messages received, 1922 Political and military, 1923 Southern Shipbuilding Corp. (3 folders) Syria, general, 1919 Syria and Cilicia, 1920 Tash, Moukbil K., 1939
77 Town Hall of Washington, 1934-39 (2 folders) Turkey British, French and Allies in 1919 Commercial, 1922 General situation, 1919, 1922 (3 folders) Military, 1922-23 (2 folders) People, 1919-38
78 Political, 1922-23 (2 folders) Refugees, 1922-23 (3 folders) Ships and shipping U.S. Maritime Commission, 1936 U.S. Naval Institute, 1930-32 (2 folders)
79 Vera Cruz, 1914 (8 folders)
80 (3 folders) Washington Criminal Justice Commission Wilbur, Harry Curran (3 folders) World Narcotic Defense Association (2 folders)
SUBJECT FILE, 1906-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
80 (cont.) Wright, Mrs. Hamilton Yourkevitch Ship Designs Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.
MISCELLANY, 1915-39, n.d.
81 Appointments file 1919-22 (5 folders)
82 1922-24 (7 folders)
83 1924-28 (5 folders)
84 1928-39 (3 folders) Biographical information Financial papers, 1915-37
85-86 Invitation file (14 folders)
87 (7 folders) Awards and citations See also Oversize
88 Composition, Helen Moore Bristol Drawings Clippings (4 folders)
89 (4 folders) Printed material American Peace Society
90 China Council on Foreign Relations International narcotics manufacture agreement
91 London Naval Disarmament Conference, 1930 Science news Social issues Scrapbooks Helen Moore Bristol Turkish-American relations (2 vols.)
92 Turkish-American relations
MISCELLANY, 1915-39, n.d. (Continued)
Container Nos.Contents
92 (cont.) Unidentified material Index to correspondence 1919-25
93 1919-21
94 1922-23
95 1924-25
96 1925-26
97-98 1928-29
OV 1 Miscellany Awards and certificates (container 87) (1 folder)
OV 2 (1 folder)
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