Please read the speech by Senator Ferguson in the Australian Senate and if you could spend five minutes sending him a note of thanks it would I am sure be greatly appreciated.
From: atamanatlas at hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009
To: senator.ferguson at aph.gov.au
Subject: RE: Your Speech on 18 March 2009 Turkish - Australian Relations
Dear Senator Ferguson,
I have had the privilege of reading your speech in relation to the above mentioned topic in the Senate on the 18 March 2009. I would like to convey my most heart felt gratitude to you and your family for such an inspiring speech. One can well glean from the content, text and context of your speech that you are a man of honour and integrity, which are two very rare character traits in many politicians of . . the modern era.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting onto the public record such important facts as you have. I myself am a Turkish born Australian citizen and it is very rare that we as a community ever get the Australian "Fair Go" from any politician but especially the Australian Media.
I grew up in this beautiful nation of ours facing racism and continual allegations about how barbaric the Turkish race was and still is. The political ploy employed by Pope Urban when he called on the first crusades is still alive and being used to this very date. The most disappointing and hurtful of all is when democratically elected Politicians use the same or similar rhetoric as used by Pope Urban all those centuries ago, and the fact that the Australian Media by and large fall for it hook line and sinker. Yet when a Turk tries to put forward their side of the story (whatever issue or topic it may be on) we are continually shut down and not heard.
This great Nation of ours needs more men and women of integrity and honour such as yourself if we are to successfully navigate through the troubled waters that lay ahead of us. Sir I wish to mention that I was like many other Turks a committed Labor voter for many years until relatively recent times, however after your speech and dare I say the former Prime Minister Howard's stance on the fallacious Armenian Genocide issue I will forever VOTE Liberal and I will try and convey that message to as many Turks as I can all over Australia.
Regardless of any perceived faults that Mr Howard may have had, I also admire him and his utmost honourable stance on the alleged Armenian Genocide issue which in reality cost him his seat at the last Federal Elections. That fact has not been missed by the Australian Turkish Community. He too could have pandered to the Armenian Voters in his former electorate like that grubby vote grabbing dishonest Maxine Mckew. Mr Howard will always be remembered by the Australian Turkish Community as a man of principle, integrity and honour, as you will too.
The month of April is nearly upon us again, and another ANZAC Day nearing, what certain sections of the Armenian community could not achieve via acts of war, treachery, treason and terrorism, they are now trying to achieve via political means. Like many thousands of other Australian Turks I hope that our voices will be heard one day by Australian politicians but especially the Australian Media and that we get a fair go in putting our side of the story to various issues. Certain sections of the Armenian community are now trying to disgrace the memory of ANZAC day in this country by supposedly connecting their fallacious genocide claims with ANZAC day. There is much that I would like to say but alas I do not wish to bore you with details.
You have provided me with great hope that my three children will grow up in an Australia that is fair and Just and that they will not face the same accusations that I faced whilst at school of coming from a barbaric race that slaughtered many millions of Armenians, Greeks and others. We truly do live in the Luckiest Country in the world.
Sir I can not thank you enough.
My warmest regards
Ataman Atlas
From: Sukru Server Aya
Sent: March 20, 2009
To: 'senator.ferguson at aph.gov.au'
Subject: Your speech of March 18th, 2009,- Sent to me by friends in the Turkish Consulate of Melbourne and also by: Armenians-1915.blogspot.com
Dear Senator Ferguson, March 20th, 2009
Rather than just saying you only a “full hearted THANK YOU”, given my age, my past relations with Australia and world wide friends, including Greeks, Armenians any all “decent persons” of all faiths, colors or nationalities, I wish to give you a few leads, to assure you that you have spoken very correctly, but may be a little short.
First of all, since I had visited your beautiful country with my wife back in 1984 and spent more than 3 weeks visiting the whole coast starting from Brisbane, all the way to Adelaide where I stayed three days spending one day on the Murray River and have also visited every place in Tasmania, I had the pleasure to enjoy the courtesy and the warm hearted treatment everywhere we have been, and even on the Cook Mountain.
I have only the photo of my uncle who was wounded four times and died at Gallipoli before I was born. My father was also there but in the navy! Although I am a retired “importer-distributor of workshop equipment”, I did (and still do) considerable reading on history and hence I have read enough to compile my readings in an English book, which I will be pleased to send you or Senate library a signed copy! Yet, it is already available on the internet for downloading and reading by all parties.
If you will kindly click on page 325 of my book, you will see a list of wartime propaganda fabrications and the effects in the AU press. The inconsistencies regretfully continue today thanks, to some trouble fomenting leaders in your Armenian and Greek communities. Please also observe the letter of the old Ambassador, Mr. P. F. Petersen, to “The Australian” back in 1994.
As you can understand, my complaint is that the troubles in the world are the result of “hiding and distorting truths”. I will be honored If you will spare the time to read the contents of my speech in London
Unfortunately, very few people devote the time and self-dignity to defend TRUTH when most people would immediately join the majority not knowing the responsibilities and consequences. Sir, you have my full admiration!
A similar slandering campaign is being carried by your ABC TV-radio, which voices only one side and the fully wrong information! It is very sad that such great corporations permit themselves to be used as tools of propaganda of one party only! Few minorities enjoying the comfort of living in Australia, but carrying their own very old grudges and conflicts 100 years old and 30.000 km away. These are implanted or carried like a virus, or blood feud, by third generations who know nothing do not even understand that crime and punishment can not be hereditary! Yet, they prove their “patriotism by spreading hatred”. For further clarification, you may refer to:
- ABC-TV-Visit-Turkey
- ABC-TV-Australia-Response
- Letter-of-Concern-to-ABC-TV1
- Open-Letter-To-Sabrina-Tavernize
Esteemed Senator, permit to clarify that Turks were at all times friendly to ANZACS, but it was ANZACS who were brainwashed back then to save Christianity and win medals, and carried to the other side of the world to die for imperial benefits!
Sir, let me end my message by giving you the link of a new web site prepared for Gallipoli, where your friends can view the places where almost half a million people died for “good or stupid” reasons and what Turks think and care today for the old fights where both many ANZACS and Turks had “proven their humane attachments”.
There are still some “decent and self-respecting persons”! [Turkish Armenians] who operate the blog here, are striving to protect and defuse TRUTH! If you will care to give any reply, I believe that “armenians-1915.blogspot.com” will be delighted to share it with their large community of English readers all over the world and Australia.
Yours most cordially,
Sukru Server Aya - Istanbul
From: Nihat Canikli
Subject: Turkish-Australian community speech
To: senator.ferguson at aph.gov.au
Date: March 20, 2009,
Dear Senator Ferguson,
As a Turk living in Ankara, Turkey, I was informed of your Turkish-Australian community speech in the Senate on 18 March 2009. I would like to express that most of the Turks respect their enemies although Turks suffered a lot facing invading armies and their collaborators. As you may know, Turks and Muslims experienced massive death, exile and atrocities in the final period of Ottoman Empire. My grandfather fought in the World War I including Gallipoli front and later in the War of Independence against Greek army. In spite of all these wars and sufferings, we, Turks, do not feel hatred and animosity against our former enemies, their country and people.
Unfortunately, most of the Greeks and Armenians continue anti-Turkish racist hate campaigns with the aim of gaining support from politicians and government officials in different parts of the world including Australia. They give a distorted picture of events in Turkey between 1915-1923. Armenians who collaborated with invading Russian army in eastern Anatolia in World War I caused mass killings of more than five hundred thousand Muslims and Greeks committed atrocities against Turks with the occupation of Greek army although those Christian communities enjoyed peace and prosperity in the Ottoman Empire for centuries.
I thank you for your fair and objective position on the history of and modern-day Turkey. Your remarks will undoubtedly contribute a lot to the friendship of Australia and Turkey.
With warmest regards,
Nihat Canikli
Ankara, Turkey
From: Yasar Tapan
Sent: March 22, 2009
Dear Senator Ferguson,
I am writing this short message to your attention for the purpose of thanking you on your speech of March 18th. Your speech was not only pro-Turkish but also in support of the simple TRUTH. There is one sentence though in your speech that I like to dwell on with your kind permission. You mention that`Australians and the Ottomans were enemies back in 1915`.
I am sure you will agree that there were no real reason at the time for them to be enemies except for the British Empire whose leaders made the Australians believe that the Ottomans were the enemies!!! Even during the battle, the affection developed between the two nations was evident, and it keeps on going naturally and strongly as of today between the two young nations - Australia & Turkey.
I thank you again for supporting the Turkish views in Australia where one of my dear classmates (Hon. SARIK ARIYAK) was assassinated by an Armenian terrorist back in 80's for being the Consul General of Turkey..
I remain,
respectfully yours,
From: Committee for Protection of Turkic Rights
Sent:March 24, 2009
To: senator.ferguson at aph.gov.au
Dear Senator Ferguson,
I refer to your speech of the 18th March, 2009, in the Senate on Turko-Australian relations.
I am indeed grateful to you for your positive contribution to relationship between the Turkish and the Australian peoples. I am a British citizen of Turkish parentage and I was born over half a century ago in a little town very close to Gallipoli. No doubt, Gallipoli made Australia into a vibrant nation and very many Australians who were laid to rest there are in our hearts and minds, as well as the Turkish soldiers who lay besides them. That tragedy has indeed bonded the Turks and Australians in a common cause of mutual understanding and respect, thus we remember vividly what Ataturk said about Gallipoli and the ANZACS who fought there.. indeed Sir, your dead is our dead now, Australian mothers and wives and sons and daughters can be rest assured. May be worth to add here that two of my British god-daughters live in Australia, to add that personal feeling of closeness for me.
Building on such a positive note and looking forward, given that I am both British and Turkish, I have great faith in positive communications and mutual understanding between peoples and that is why I support your effort wholeheartedly. Sadly it seems that Turks are today facing rather unfair propaganda and indeed 'trial by media' by two groups of peoples, being the Cypriot Greeks and the Diaspora Armenians; where I wish a public debate takes place to discuss some of the issues they are claiming against the Turks. As regards the Armenian claims, we have prepared a POCKET GUIDE (attached for your convenience) to highlight the injustice and a similar one shall be prepared for the Cyprus issue. Of course it may be worthwhile to clarify that the problems originate mostly from Cypriot Greeks and not the mainland Greeks and similarly Diaspora Armenians and not the Armenian Republic proper. Some seem to have forgotten that the world has moved on and buried mutually felt pains and suffering of Turks, Greeks and Armenians for common good.
Please allow us to keep in touch with you and also kindly include us in your mailshot list, if you utilise one.
Kind regards and best wishes from United Kingdom,
See Attachment Here
CPTR Committee for Protection of Turkic Rights
affiliated to Turkish Forum, World Turkish Alliance
Union of British Turks
cptr-news at yahoogroups.com
dtk at turkishforum.com
Committee for the Protection of Turkic rights is a non-profit making British NGO, acting against unfair and unfounded propaganda, unjust initiatives, racism and alike against Turkish entry into European Union, World Turkic peoples, their lands, culture and integrity. The primary purpose of existence of the Committee is to promote multi-cultural, tolerant society, respecting human rights and the conventions of United Nations. It is not affiliated to any Turkic or British political party or Governmental institution. This is a private e-mail for communication purposes only. The information contained in this e-mail is strictly confidential and is intended solely for the individual/s to whom it is addressed. Opinion, statement & advice contained in this email is private & non-binding unless physically signed for.
Commonwealth Of Australia
Parliamentary Debate
The Senate Proof Adjournment
Turkish-Australian Community
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Source Senate
Page 31 Proof Yes
Questioner Responder
Speaker Ferguson, Sen Alan
Senator FERGUSON (South Australia) (7.33 pm)— Mr President, as you are well aware, I rarely speak on adjournment, but tonight I have been moved to speak because of a series of events that have taken place this week. In particular, I want to say to the Senate that this year is the 40th anniversary of the formal Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning the Residence and Employment of Turkish Citizens in Australia. The aim is to celebrate and commend the achievements of the Turkish community here in the Commonwealth of Australia that has been created as a result of this agreement in the 40 years since its implementation.
I was most concerned to receive a visit from the Turkish ambassador earlier this week in which he expressed his deep concern about a speech that was made by the Hon. Michael Atkinson, the Attorney-General, Minister for Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs in the Labor government in South Australia. I had not thought that I would be surprised by anything that the South Australian Attorney-General said in relation to the Turkish community, particularly as most state parliaments do not have a role in foreign affairs in the same way that the federal parliament does.
I have had the privilege of visiting Gallipoli and being a guest of the Turkish government, I will concede that at the outset. I have had the privilege of going to Gallipoli, where our two countries were once enemies. Since that time, the Commonwealth of Australia and the Republic of Turkey have established a unique relationship and a bond forged in the blood of young men from both our nations. This uniqueness, at the core of the deep-rooted relations between our two countries, gained even more momentum following the unforgettable reconciliatory remarks of the founder of the modern Turkish republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, to the mothers of the fallen Anzac soldiers. He said:
You, the mothers who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears. Your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land, they have become our sons as well.
There is no statue or plaque more moving than the one at Ari Burnu, on the beach at Gallipoli. The words of Ataturk are there for all Australians and others to read.
So you can imagine how surprised I was to be told this week by the Turkish ambassador that Michael Atkinson, the South Australian Attorney-General, in a speech to the Greek association in South Australia —and the Pontiacs in particular—made the following statement. I cannot believe that a minister would say this. He made reference to:
The nationalist Turks led by Mustafa Kemal's forces and their frenzied followers began to persecute them through beatings, murder, forced marches and labour, theft of their properties and livelihood, rape, torture and deportations.
The Turkish ambassador found that most offensive, and a wholly unjustified caricature of the truth. It can only cause deep ill-feeling, not the least since Mustafa Kemal was the leader of a nation that was, at that time, fighting for its survival against an invasion from Greece—a point that the Attorney-General in South Australia seemed to overlook.
We can all try to rewrite history. There were atrocities in the past. We are talking about events that took place almost 100 years ago. There are always debatable issues. We have the situation with the Armenians, with the Pontian Greeks and with a range of other people who currently are trying to put today's moral judgment on events that took place 100 years ago. These events cannot be accurately depicted. I have no doubt that there were atrocities on both sides. But those of us today find it very difficult to pass judgment —we should not be passing judgment when we do not know the full facts.
The Turkish nation is now a friendly power. Members of the Turkish community have integrated into Australian society and become wonderful Australians. To be reminded of events that took place in history that long ago, and a biased interpretation if I may say so, is certainly not warranted. I acknowledge along with a lot of others the unique relationship that exists between Australia and Turkey—a bond that has been highlighted by the commitment of both our nations to the rights and liberties of our citizens and to the pursuit of a just world, which was highlighted in a statement of Kemal Ataturk: 'Peace at home; peace in the world.' I commend the Republic of Turkey's commitment to democracy, to the rule of law, and—particularly in the region in which it lives—to secularism, which is something that is quite unique in that part of the world.
On this, the 40th anniversary of the formal Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning the Residence and Employment of Turkish Citizens in Australia, we pledge our friendship with, our commitment to and our enduring support of the people of Turkey as we celebrate this important landmark together.
In relation to the Attorney-General in South Australia—and I am not saying this personally; I am saying it because I think it was a very ill-judged statement to make. It was obviously made in the context of being at a Greek function where it was suitable for him to make these remarks. But such a speech coming from a minister in a state government is very damaging to the otherwise excellent relations between our two countries. I would contrast that with the conciliatory words to the mothers of fallen Anzacs at Gallipoli of the great statesman and founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. I commend the Senate to take note of the statement that was made by the minister but I also commend to the Senate that in fact we reaffirm our commitment to the wonderful friendship that exists between our two countries. I fully understand the concern expressed by the Turkish ambassador who, as well as being a wonderful representative of his country in Australia over the past three years, I count as a personal friend.
Hi - plz read my BLOG regarding your BLOG on www.ronetwork.vox.com :
What's the Attorney-General of South Australia ON ???
What was the Attorney-General (SA) THINKING !!!
Why insult Turkish Australians??? WHY INSULT ANYONE - especially ethnic minorities - What's the Attorney-General ON ???
Attorney-General in South Australia (Michael Atkinson) became the wrath of the Speaker of the Australian SENATE on 18th March, 2009 as follows:
Speaker Ferguson, Sen Alan
Senator FERGUSON (South Australia) (7.33 pm)— Mr President, as you are well aware, I rarely speak on adjournment, but tonight I have been moved to speak because of a series of events that have taken place this week. In particular, I want to say to the Senate that this year is the 40th anniversary of the formal Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey concerning the Residence and Employment of Turkish Citizens in Australia. The aim is to celebrate and commend the achievements of the Turkish community here in the Commonwealth of Australia that has been created as a result of this agreement in the 40 years since its implementation........
..... So you can imagine how surprised I was to be told this week by the Turkish ambassador that Michael Atkinson, the South Australian Attorney-General, in a speech to the Greek association in South Australia —and the Pontians in particular—made the following statement. I cannot believe that a minister would say this. He made reference to:
The nationalist Turks led by Mustafa Kemal's forces and their frenzied followers began to persecute them through beatings, murder, forced marches and labour, theft of their properties and livelihood, rape, torture and deportations.
The Turkish ambassador found that most offensive, and a wholly unjustified caricature of the truth. It can only cause deep ill-feeling, not the least since Mustafa Kemal was the leader of a nation that was, at that time, fighting for its survival against an invasion from Greece—a point that the Attorney-General in South Australia seemed to overlook. read the Full Story here :
(IP Address Logged)
ANC Australia Demands Senator Ferguson's Apology, March 26, 2009
The Peak Public Affairs Committee of the Armenian-Australian Community
SYDNEY: The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) has called on Senator Alan Ferguson (LIB South Australia) to apologise for labelling the Armenian and Pontian genocides "debatable" and stating they "cannot be accurately depicted" today.
Senator Ferguson's speech on 18th of March was in reaction to a visit he received from the Turkish ambassador - whom he referred to as a "personal friend". The ambassador revealed information about a recent address by South Australian Attorney General, the Hon. Michael Atkinson, where he addressed Turkey's atrocious human rights record by referring to the genocides of the Ottoman Empire's Christian minorities.
ANC Australia, who yesterday watched South Australia's Legislative Council pass a motion recognising the Armenian Genocide, wrote to Senator Ferguson, stating:
"The full facts of the Armenian Genocide are undeniable. Any scholar denying that 1.5million of our ancestors were massacred, starved and death marched from their homes in 1915 is discredited by the ‘International Association of Genocide Scholars’."
The letter also addressed recently uncovered history of Australia's first ever humanitarian effort, which saw clothing, money and infrastructure donated to survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The letter continued:
"Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the great efforts of Australians to come to the aid of this oppressed people."
And sighting Australian WWI POW accounts of the horrors being committed against Armenians and other Ottoman Christian minorities, it continued:
"Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the accounts of our Australian soldiers."
ANC Australia Political Relations Officer, Mr. Vache Kahramanian said: "The Senator must realise that he has offended the Armenian-Australian community. We join the Greek and Assyrian communities and request he apologises and retracts his speech."
Please click here and sign your name to a joint petition from the Armenian, Pontian and Assyrian communities demanding Senator Alan Ferguson's apology.
ATT: Senator the Hon. Alan Ferguson
Commonwealth Parliament Offices
100 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Dear Senator Ferguson,
We refer to your speech in the Australian Senate on the 18th of March 2009, titled ‘The Turkish-Australian Community’. That day, you took offence at a statement made by South Australia’s Attorney General, the Hon. Michael Atkinson regarding the genocide campaigns of Ottoman Turks against its Christian minorities – including Armenians, Pontian Greeks and Assyrians – in the early 1900s.
You stated that you shared the concern of your “personal friend”, the Turkish ambassador at Mr. Atkinson’s remarks, and that the Armenian and Pontian cases were “debatable” and “cannot be accurately depicted” today.
Senator, you continued your support for modern Turkey’s internationally condemned denialist agenda by stating “we should not be passing judgment when we do not know the full facts”.
The full facts of the Armenian Genocide are undeniable. Any scholar denying that 1.5million of our ancestors were massacred, starved and death marched from their homes in 1915 is discredited by the ‘International Association of Genocide Scholars’.
The word ‘Genocide’ was coined by Mr. Rafael Lemkin in 1948, when he used the Armenian Genocide and Jewish Holocaust as references when sharing examples of organised attempts to exterminate an entire people.
Senator, your speech on 18th of March was ironically followed seven days later by your home state, South Australia’s Legislative Council recognising and condemning the Armenian Genocide. The motion, which was introduced by Mr. David Ridgway (Liberal MLC and Opposition Leader of the Legislative Council) and passed unopposed, also recognised a key component in South Australia’s history.
South Australians, along with Australians from other states, took part in Australia’s first ever international relief effort by donating clothing, money and infrastructure (orphanage for child survivors in Lebanon) to the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide.
Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the great efforts of Australians to come to the aid of this oppressed people.
Further, Australian World War I prisoners of war (POW) accounts reveal testimonies of the horrors being committed against Armenians and other Ottoman Christian minorities.
Not recognising the Armenian Genocide means not recognising the accounts of our Australian soldiers.
Senator, your statement has deeply offended Armenian-Australians, Greek-Australians and Assyrian-Australians. The Armenian National Committee of Australia and the Armenian-Australian community joins the Greek and Assyrian communities in requesting you retract your statement with an appropriate apology.
We offer to meet with you to discuss this further and provide material to assist with your research towards correction.
Yours Sincerely,
Varant Meguerditchian
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