![]() ATAA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in Washington DC, USA, in 1979, as an umbrella for the local and regional Turkish-American non-profit organizations coast-to-coast, representing about half a million Turkish American citizens on matters important to Turkey-USA relations. The ATAA does not own, operate or moderate any other information sharing sites or chat groups, although some groups use the acronym ATAA without consent or approval of the ATAA. It has been generally observed that the ATAA has been quite vocal in the recent years in media, academia, and politics , with concerted efforts to educate public. In fact, the ATAA was instrumental in defeating the H.Res. 252 last week. This interview should give our readers some insight into the minds behind the ATAA’s success. |

It could also be for show. Even if she lost, Pelosi would be able to say to her Armenian voters “Look, I tried. I kept my promise.” This way, Armenian support would continue./ What Pelosi et al failed to consider was high powered demands coming from the executive and legislative branches not to pursue H.Res. 252 and similar requests and advises from the business, industry, and voter community groups. Such intense and instant pressure burst Pelosi’s bubble. Even Pelosi could not ignore the serious destruction she would cause to American interests if she brought this ill-informed and malicious resolution to a vote.

How important is this? Well, consider this: The U.S. crossed oceans and continents to wage a trillion dollar global war on terrorism because 3,000 of its citizens were killed on American soil. Why is it, then, so difficult to understand that the Ottoman Empire, having lost more than 160,000 of its citizens in the 12 month period running from May 1914 , resorted to similar, but much lesser, self-defence measure of TERESET (Temporary Resettlement) of the perpetrators? Rephrased, how can 3,000 victims in 2001 justify a international, global war, but 120,000 victims in 1914 (and many more in 1915) do not justify even a domestic, local TERESET ?
The Armenian lobby point to the women and children in the Armenian groups temporarily relocated, but the same fail to point out that there were Muslim women and children forced to flee by the Russian-Armenian forces from the Caucasus into Eastern Anatolia. So, same suffering, same numbers, same area, same era, same wartime conditions... But just because other sufferers are Muslim, mostly Turkish, you don’t get to read about them in evil resolutions like H.Res. 252. This is the kind of selective conscience the racist Armenian falsifiers and their fellow Turk-haters who push H.Res. 252 have. We say if we are all to grieve about human suffering and man’s inhumanity to man, then let’s do that without discriminating on the basis of ethnicity, religion. Let’s grieve for both Armenian and Turk... and Arab, and Jew, and Greek, and Kurd, and Laz, and Circassian, and Albanian, and Bosnian, and Pomak and many others...
Why cherry-pick Armenians from the lot and ignore or dismiss the rest? Who gives anyone such power to classify and rank human beings? Only the evil Armenian lobby and their fellow Turk-haters commit such overtly hate-based resolutions, year after year, with absolutely no shame or remorse... Why is my dead lesser than your dead? Why should we grieve your dead and disregard my dead? Who the hell are you? That’s how I feel about the H.Res. 252. Those who want empathy from others should learn to give empathy to others.
Then there is the oft misrepresented issue of April 24th. What is the significance of 24th of April, 1915? The AFATH lobby [5] would have you believe it is the beginning of a so called genocide. But is it? What really happened that day? . On that day, some 237 Armenian terror and/or treason suspects (not thousands as claimed) were arrested by the Ottoman police and sent to central Anatolia, to places like Corum, Cankiri, Ankara, etc., and subjected to house arrest. This meant they could roam around during the day, even conduct business which some of them did, but had to check into a designated house at night. Not exactly genocide, is it? Not even Guantanamo, wouldn’t you agree? All of these suspects were returned in the end, except two. Those two were, indeed, murdered but on unrelated disputes of money and trade. No matter how one slices it, none of this sounds like genocide, does it? So, 24th of April is the beginning of OTTOMAN GUANTANAMO, not a bogus genocide as promoted in H.Res. 252.
Turks and Armenians had lived in a relatively harmonious cohabitation in Anatolia for nearly a millennium before the Armenian took up arms against their own government towards the end of that millennium (i.e. 1893-1915). Had the Armenians (and others) not taken up arms against their own neighbors, co-citizens, and government, they would have still been living in Anatolia today, just like the Armenians of Istanbul who mostly stayed loyal to the Ottoman Empire. Since when, then, defending one’s home a genocide? Would America behave differently today if three million Americans (roughly equivalent of 120,000 Ottomans killed by Armenians in 1914 alone) were mercilessly killed by some insurgent groups who then enthusiastically joined the enemy armies invading America?
Where are the Turks killed by these blood-thirsty Armenian terrorists? Where? Do not look for them in that malicious H.Res. 252 because you will not find them there. That is what both angers and frustrates, but also energizes and motivates me, and tens of thousands of Turkish Americans like me. We are the voice of those silent masses who cannot speak out to defend themselves against slanders and lies. Those nameless, faceless, voiceless Turkish victims find a voice in us. Many of those Turkish victims were in my father’s extended family in Kirlikova and my mother’s family in Skopje. Every Turkish family has similar stories of suffering and loss. And where is all that? You cannot find them in the narratives of the AFATH community. [5]
It is exactly because of these reasons, I have invented a new word, "Ethocide", a companion and supplementary term to “Genocide”, at exactly at 8:58 am, on Wednesday, May 7, 2003, after being frustrated by the incredibly biased coverage of Turkish-Armenian issue in the American press. [6]
Ethocide, my humble gift to the English language, is coined from the words "ethics" and "cide". Its companion term in Turkish, Ahlakkirim, is also my invention and modest gift to the Turkish language. They both mean one and the same thing with the short definition: "systematic extermination of ethics via deliberate and malicious mass deception for political and/or other benefits. For a longer and proper definition you can go to www.ethocide.com. [7] I want the newer generations to be able to fight the bogus Armenian genocide effortlessly with proper tools like this new term. So called genocide scholars are committing this crime of conscience, ethocide, every time they ignore or dismiss the “six T’s of the Turkish Armenian conflict. [8] Anyone who wishes to learn more about the falsifications, misrepresentations, lies, and fabrications embodied in the H.Res. 252 should go to reference [9].

At issue are not Israel, the Jewish lobby or even Armenian interests; at issue are American interests. Plain and simple. Passing HR 252 would cause irreparable harm to Turkey-USA relations which may manifest themselves in the US policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and many others. The question in front of the 111th US Congress people would be “Do Armenian interests trump American interests?” When that happens, you can pretty much guess the outcome.
If your readers wish to know more about Turkish-Jewish relations and how Armenian gangs murdered Turks and Jews during WWI, they should refer to reference [10].
In summary, H.Res. 252 was Bad for national security as it negatively affected the use of Incirlik Airbase in Turkey; partnership in Afghanistan; cooperation in Iraq, energy security, and a whole host of other issues. It also would devastate the U.S. policy in the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa, where Turkey continues to work with the U.S. on moderation, development, and peace. H.Res. 252 was anti-business as it sought to limit and punish bilateral commercial relationships where the U.S. had a huge surplus with multibillion dollars in commercial aviation, aerospace, and defence sales. These mean American jobs. Nothing remotely comparable comes from tiny, land-locked, poverty-stricken, aggressive, violent, and corrupt Armenia whose top export is illegal aliens and crooks and top import is foreign aid from American taxpayers and donations from Armenian Americans. One should be insane to support crooks and terrorists, especially in the face of insulting and angering a bulwark of Western defence alliance, and island of peace, stability and progress, a driving force in moderation, and a reliable friend in the troubled Middle East. Forces of reason and moderation reigned, thankfully, as the Obama Administration opposed the bringing of this contentious issue to a floor vote with both the Defense and State Departments playing active roles on Capitol Hill in opposition to H.Res. 252. If you look back, you will see that this deceptive and dishonest resolution was passed by the HFAC by the narrowest of margins: a single vote, thanks to the under-handed tactics of Congressman Berman. The American people and American interests deserve better than these shady politicians like Pelosi, Berman, Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, and other prominent members of the AFATH community. [5]
The Armenian American National Committee (ANCA), the U.S. representative of a political party in Armenia called the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, or ARF for short, demanded that the United States Congress take H.Res. 252 to a floor vote. Their proxies named above obliged. Last March, H.Res. 252 had controversially passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee 23-22, severely harming the U.S. policy to support a Joint Historical Commission to address the Armenian allegation of genocide, and causing serious disruption in U.S. - Turkish relations. H.Res. 252 is an anti-Turkish, anti-Muslim racist measure that erroneously defines the Armenian case as genocide, a contention with which the vast majority of experts on WWI Middle East history and the Ottoman Empire disagree. [11]
H.Res. 252 unfairly accuses, judges and convicts people of Turkish heritage with this high crime without due process. On the other hand, Armenian community in the U.S. is exposed with yet another cycle of massive fraud, stealing American taxpayers’ money to the tune of $163 million. [12] And as Wikileaks revealed, the Armenian Republic sells arms to Iran, promoting an aggressive policy in the Caucuses and Middle East, and causing U.S. soldiers in Iraq to be killed by those weapons. [13] The Armenian Republic currently occupies western Azerbaijan, by the massacres and forced migration of nearly one million Azeris. [14] How can any reasonable politician support the Armenian crooks and terrorists, especially in the face of serious threat to American interests?
When Saddam crossed the line in to Kuwait in 1991, we reversed aggression using military might. When Milosevic resorted to ethnic cleansing and genocide, we bombed Yugoslavia in 1998 to smithereens. But when Armenia committed all of these crimes against humanity, namely aggression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in Karabagh, some unscrupulous politicians like Pelosi, Berman, Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, Menendez and others tried shamelessly to reward the rogue state of Armenia and its murderous leaders. These kinds of blatant double standards, bias, and bigotry are neither helping America’s image nor America’s global interests. Here we have the most powerful nation on earth, represented by political pygmies! We shall continue to educate the American public to this sad picture.

Invoking the visionary leader Ataturk, who so aptly put it for the rest of us, may there be in the new year and beyond
”Peace At Home, Peace In The World”
Notes & References:
[1] Houshamatyan of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Centennial, Album-Atlas, Volume I, Epic Battles, 1890-1914, The Next Day Color Printing, Inc., Glendale, CA, U.S.A., 2006, page 186.
[2a] The Dictionary of WWI, Stephen Pope & Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, 2003, ISBN 0 85052 979-4, page 34
[2b] The Armenian Rebellion at Van, Justin McCarthy, Esat Arslan, Cemaletting Taskiran, Omer Turan (The University of Utah Press, Salt lake City, USA, 2006)
[2c] Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources ( Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey, 2008) For a copy: Armenians-1915.blogspot.com/2008/04/2429-new-e-book-genocide-of-truth-based.html
[3] Houshamatyan of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Centennial, Album-Atlas, Volume I, Epic Battles, 1890-1914, The Next Day Color Printing, Inc., Glendale, CA, U.S.A., 2006, page 45.
[4] Houshamatyan of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Centennial, Album-Atlas, Volume I, Epic Battles, 1890-1914, The Next Day Color Printing, Inc., Glendale, CA, U.S.A., 2006, page 241.
[5] AFATH : Armenian Falsifiers and Turk -Haters.
[6] www.ethocide.com : Ethocide, Not Genocide: www.turkiye.net:bbasol:sonyazi.htm
Soykirim Degil, Ahlakkirim : www.turkla.com/yazar.php?mid=323&yid=4
[7] ethocide.com:news.html : Ethocide: A new term coined by Ergun Kirlikovali, a Turkish-American student and researcher in history, on May 7, 2003, as a long needed companion term and an antonym for the term "genocide" created by Lemkin in 1943 (Turkish counterpart also coined: "AHLAKKIRIM")"Systematic extermination of ethics via malicious and deliberate mass deception for political, personal, economic, social, moral, religious, ethnic, national, regional, and other gain." Ethocide is a crime of conscience, committed by biased and bigoted individuals who subscribe to racist and dishonest interpretation of history and are intolerant of dissent. Called "ethociders", such people will openly resort to censorship of dissenting views and intimidation of dissenters.
[8] The Six Apologies Turks Have Been Waiting For Since WW1 : www.turkla.com/yazar.php?mid=302&yid=4
[9] If Facts Matter To You, Then Read This Analysis On H.Res. 252: www.historyoftruth.com:authors:ergun-kirlikovali:8393-if-facts-matter-to-you-then-read-this-analysis-on-hres-252
[10] Israeli & Jewish Sources That Refute The Alleged Armenian Genocide : www.turkla.com/yazar.php?mid=462&yid=4
[11] Declaration Signed By 69 Prominent American Academicians : http://www.turkla.com/yazar.php?mid=338&yid=4
[12] Massive Armenian Fraud Exposed … Again!: www.turkla.com/2010/10/15/massive-armenian-fraud-exposed-B€ -again
[13] Wikileaks Bombshell: Armenian Arms Sold To Iran Used In Killing Us Soldiers In Iraq: www.turkla.com/2010/11/29/wikileaks-bombshell-armenian-arms-sold-to-iran-used-in-killing-us-soldiers-in-iraq:
[14] Why Turkey is right in demanding the end to occupation in Karabakh:
[15] The Secret of the Near East, Lamsa, George M., a missionary well known for his research on Christianity, The Ideal Press, Philadelphia 1923, p 133
More References (which are not listed in the text above:)
[16] Bernard Lewis Speaking on Armenian Allegations, 3 min 29 sec - Oct 11, 2007: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG70UWESfu4
[17] http://www.tallarmeniantale.com : Tall Armenian Tale - TAT : Supports the case against the Armenian Genocide Myth with mostly impartial evidence.
[18] www.turkishcoalition.org : The Turkish Coalition of America - TCA : Established in 2007, The Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) is working on matters related to Turkish American issues and Turkish Heritage.
[19] www.taldf.org : Turkish American Legal Defense Fund : TALDF is established in order to educate and advise Turkish Americans regarding their constitutionally guaranteed right to free expression. TALDF successfully defended rights of individuals harassed and slandered by Armenian(s) for rejecting bogus Armenian claims of genocide.
[20] www.ermenisorunu.gen.tr : Ermeni Sorunu means The Armenian Problem in Turkish. This site provides a detailed account of the problem and has extensive archive database. Also in French, German and Turkish.
[21] www.eraren.org : Institute For Armenian Research : ERAREN.org is the web site of Institute for Armenian Research where scholarly studies based on primary sources elucidate Armenian claims and falsifications.
[22] www.devletarsivleri.gov.tr : Turkish State Archives : One of the most comprehensive archives in the world and with all its massive references, it only give truth seekers a glimpse of what the Western scholars prejudicially ignored and Armenians falsifiers censored since 1915 and prior.
[23] www.turkla.com : comments on timely issues concerning the Turkish-Armenian conflict and provides a databank on sources and materials frequently censored by Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters.
[25] www.historyoftruth.com : comments on timely issues concerning the Turkish-Armenian conflict and provides a databank on sources and materials frequently censored by Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters
[26] www.turkishjournal.com : comments on timely issues concerning the art, culture, heritage, economy, industry, sports, and many other issues concerning Turkey and America.
[27] www.turkishny.com : comments on timely issues concerning the art, culture, heritage, economy, industry, sports, and many other issues concerning Turkey and America.
[28] www.mediawatchnow.com : comments on timely issues concerning the Turkish-Armenian conflict and provides talking points to refute articles that unfairly, unjustifiably, deliberately, and in an unprovoked manner defame and demonize Turkish heritage, Turkish Americans, Turks, Turkics, and Turkey.
[29] www.turkishalert.com : comments on timely issues concerning the Turkish-Armenian conflict and provides talking points to refute articles that unfairly, unjustifiably, deliberately, and in an unprovoked manner defame and demonize Turkish heritage, Turkish Americans, Turks, Turkics, and Turkey.
[30] History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, Vol I & II, Stanford Shaw (Cambridge University Press, London, New York, Melbourne, 1976)
[31] The Story Behind Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, Heath W. Lowry ( The Isis Press, Istanbul, Turkey, 1990)
[32] The Ottoman Peoples and the End of Empire, Justin McCarthy (Arnold, London, U.K., 2001
[33] Declaration Signed by 69 Prominent North American Academicians, New York Times and Washington Post, may 19, 1985 (for a copy: www.turkla.com/yazar.php?mid=338&yid=4
[34] Ermeniler: Sürgün ve Göç, Türk Tarih Kurumu (Ankara, Turkey, 2004)
[35] The Armenian File, Kamuran Gurun (Rustem Bookshop, Mersin, Turkey, 1985)
[36] The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question, Esat Uras (Documentary Publications, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988)
[37] “Pursuing the Just Cause of Their People”, Michael M. Gunter (Greenwood Press, New York, USA, 1986)
[38] “Ermenilerin Zorunlu Göçü, 1915-1917, Kemal Cicek (Turk tarih Kurumu, Ankara, Turkey, 2005)
[39] Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948: www.hrweb.org/legal/genocide.html (See how the AFATH community always invoke articles 1-3 which define genocide , but completely ignore articles 4-9 which dictate how the genocide verdict shall be reached: via “competent tribunal, not political resolutions! )
[40] Ergun KIRLIKOVALI, 2003, “It Was Not ‘Genocide’; It was - and still is – ‘Ethocide’ “, www.turkiye.net/bbasol/gorusler27.htm ;
( www.turkla.com/yazar.php?mid=323&yid=4 )
An excellent interview..From Mr. Kirlikovali's account we get a glimpse of what the Turks went through during those horrendous years when the Ottoman Empire was coming apart.With interviews like that we hope eventually a balanced view of the 1915 events will emerge.
The interview expresses very vividly the rage we feel when faced with shameless lies of ANCA and shameless methods of the politicians whose names are listed above.
Thank you Mr. Kirlikovali-more power to you...
Thank you Ergun bey and editors of this blog. I learned a lot about the truth behind Armenian allegations.
People need to know the truth and no matter how many genocide resolutions pass, truth will always win.
I wish congressmen who supported such resolutions would read these revelations.
This is a very wise and balanced interview - a rarity on this topic.
People should learn more about all of this before engaging in pontificating on the substance of the matter.
Excellent point to highlight:
The U.S. crossed oceans and continents to wage a trillion dollar global war on terrorism because 3,000 of its citizens were killed on American soil. Why is it, then, so difficult to understand that the Ottoman Empire, having lost more than 160,000 of its citizens in the 12 month period running from May 1914 , resorted to similar, but much lesser, self-defence measure of TERESET (Temporary Resettlement) of the perpetrators?
This is an excellent interview that relates to the number one foreign policy issue of Turkey which has ramifications on many areas and impacts the lives of Turkish-Americans and Turks and their friends in America. It also impacts the lives of Armenians around the world which seem to live with hatred, which needs to be cured.
As the new President of ATAA, perhaps Ergun could sit down with the representatives of ANCA and other Armenian-American organisations and discuss the issues with them as well. It may be useful to present a copy of a book by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, "I Shall Not Hate" to the Armenian-Americans. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Palestenian doctor who has worked with the Israelis, lost one of his daughters during the onslaught of Israeli army into Gaza on January 16, 2009, and yet he feels no hatred against the Israeli people. The Armenians and their blind supporters who may know the truth about the Armenian issue but ignore for their selfish interests, should read this book which ends with the following statement:
"To those who seek retaliation, I say, even I got revenge on all the Israeli people, would it bring my daughters back? Hatred iis an illness. It prevents healing and peace. dr. Izzettin Abuelish"
Thank you Ergun.
Yuksel Oktay
Thanks to your blog for this frankly interview, exposing the other side of the muddy or bloody coin, Ergun bey differs from all present and past presidents of various Turkish Associations, because he reads quite a bit, including this blog and has accumulated considerable knowledge over the years, which will likely prevent him from being superficial or sentimental.
It may be a new start with fresh ideology for him, if he will be able to ride on well inflated and dependable tires!
Yet, I wonder how come that the various Turkish blog sites or news agencies and alike associations, hardly put any article or interview of tangible value on their pages!
Can it be because they use too much bother and effort in advertising just their own stars' window faces?
I would never know the good fascinating "chunks" of mind boggling facts-full of information if I haven't come across reading this interview
Thank you guys
- . . . Even if she lost, Pelosi would be able to say to her Armenian voters “Look, I tried. I kept my promise.” This way, Armenian support would continue./ What Pelosi et al failed to consider was high powered demands coming from . . . -
I think two recent posts on this website, "The Genocide Of Truth ..." by Sukru Server Aya, and this interview by Mr. Kirlikovali should put to shame all the ANCA-type spinners and their political supporters in the Congress who mislead the American people by resolutions such as H. Res. 252.
Mr. Kirlikovali's poignant comment, "Why is my dead lesser than your dead?" is a call for all decent men and women to shed their prejudices and respect humanity regardless of color, religion and ethnicity.
If, after almost a century, any accounting is to be made of the dead and the fallen - the countless victims - Armenians have far more to answer than the Turks. It is all in the archives.
If you know little about the subject and want to read one overview on the Turkish-Armenian Conflict, Read This!
Thankfully more and more people are becoming aware of the reality behind the Armenian allegations
An excellent interview that exposes all the dishonest acts and lies perpetuated by the extremist Armenian Diaspora.
These guys have no morals and respect for the truth. They bend it anyway they can as long as it fits their ugly purposes.
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