Samuel A.Weems
Holy Terror
· The Armenian Gregorian or Orthodox Church
· Christian Missionaries in Anatolia
· How the Armenian Sneak Land Grab Works
· Who First Made Up and Told the Tall Tale of a Massacre?
· Comparison of the American Civil Rights Movement to the Actions of the Armenian Church and Armenian State
· After Five Hundred Years of Peaceful Coexistence, Armenian Terrorism Begins
· The Official Beginning of Armenian Terrorism
Who Has Better Claim to the Lands of Modern-Day Turkey – Great Civilizations of the Past or Armenia?
Armenia Founded as a Dictatorship Armenia Didn’t Become a Republic by a Vote of the People
· The Real Foundation of Armenia
The Armenian Numbers Game and Their Use of Two Sets of Books
Armenia Loses Unprovoked War on Georgia Armenians Seek Free Handouts From the Christian World
American Admiral Sees Armenian’s Claims as "Absolutely False" Peace Conference Gives Armenians Nothing After Hearing Their Claim for Money Damages
What kind of Christians are the Armenians who claim to be the First Christian State? Armenian Terrorist Activities
The Corrupt Armenian State – Their People Pay a Terrible Price Greatest Scandal in American Charitable History
Bloodthirsty Armenian Bandits A Despotic Armenian Regime
What Can Be Expected From Armenia Exalting the Goal of Friendship One Day and Slandering Their Neighbors Before the Allies the Next
Armenian Cruelty Armenia Refuses to Help Muslims in Its State and Continues to Spread Terror by Attacking Defenseless Muslim Villages
· Proof of modern day Armenian cruelty and terrorism in Azerbaijan
Armenian Leaders Establish Worldwide Political Organization to Support Campaigns of Violence and Terror
Paid Armenian Agents Mold Public Opinion in the United States American Eyewitnesses Prove There Was no Turk Massacre or Genocide of Armenians
· The Niles-Sutherland Report
· The Harbor`d Report
· "Had to accept benevolence”
The Armenians Were a Dangerous People to Get Mixed Up With Allies Question Whose Side Armenia Is Really On
Armenians Establish American Colony British Say There Was no Genocide
Armenians Lose Sneak Attack on Azerbaijan Land-Grab Attempt Fails
American High Commissioner for Relief States `Armenians Are Professional Beggars" Corrupt Armenian Officials Steal Foreign Aid and There Is Corrupt Redistribution of Land Taken Without Compensation from Muslims
U.S. Senate Says "No" to Armenians Armenian-American Lobby Organization Fabricates Reports of Muslims Massacring Christians
Armenia Voluntarily Joins the Soviet Union "Republic" Becomes Communist of Its Own Free Will
Armenians Join Hitlers Nazi Cause Ten Years to Help Nazis Attempt to Conquer the World
· The Nazis and Their Armenian Supporters
Armenia in Today’s World Still a Terrorist State
· Nagorno-Karabakh
Judge Sam Wemms's response to hate mail PDF Print E-mail
Good sir, first and foremost, what kind of odd ball are you to make such claims about a book you have never read? For your information, the basis of my research for my book "IS" Armenian sources, not Turkish!
Buy the book yourself and learn that I used primarily "Armenian" sources upon which I draw my conclusions. Once you read the book, should you discover how your Armenian historians are wrong and have made mistakes, I shall be delighted to make corrections in my second edition to point out these errors, mistakes and Armenian "lies."
You asked "who paid Weems to write it" as to my book. No one has paid me to write my book! It is written in the typical way books are published. Your question does not make any sense and is insulting. Why should anyone pay me to write "my" book in the first place? Based upon four years of exhaustive research, I conclude that American Christians and taxpayers should know how Armenia has fleeced and deceived the Christian world, going back to 1885!
You, good sir, will be amazed to learn, by name, who started the great Armenian "lie" and the exact date the lie was first told that the Ottomans massacred 1.5 million poor Armenians. Good sir, you will also learn, by name and date, who spread the great Armenian lie of massacre, and there is proof certain that there could not have been this great "genocide" as Armenias have been claiming over and over and over again to anyone who will listen.
My proof is, again based on Armenian records, that the only reason this great lie was made up and told in the first place was to deceive and fleece the Christians of the world. It is a shame that no independent Christian has bothered to check out Armenian tall tales before now!
Good sir, when did you or your forefathers first come to America? I don't know about you, but I choose to believe the independent American eyewitnesses' statements, rather than made up tall tales of self-interest Armenians! I believe that all other American Christian taxpayers will do the same as I am doing once they discover the facts.
How do you explain away the basic teaching of Christ when he tells the world (including Armenians) to "forgive? I conclude that as long, good sir, as Armenians hate, seek revenge, and make wild claims about a book before even reading it--there is never going to be peace in the Near East. It is past time for my government of the United States to cut Armenia loose and let it become a footnote in history once again.
By way of background, I am a Scottish American. I don't have a drop of Turkish, Armenian or Azerbaijan blood in my veins. I infer from your comments that you are Armenian. You have a personal interest in presenting Armenia in a positive light. I understand your bias. I sadly see that Armenians are taught hate from birth. You never have questioned history objectively, and sought the truth for yourselves. My only bias is that of an American Christian and taxpayer, who has learned that he has been fleeced and deceived by a gaggle of people called Armenians, who do not repent of their own evil acts. So long as this is true, good sir, Armenia does not merit Christian help!
I am a lifelong Southern Baptist Christian and an American taxpayer. Perhaps you, as a good Armenian can answer a few questions for me since you have asked questions of me: Why, for example, has Armenian police attacked and disrupted religious services in my Baptist churches in your "ancient homeland?"
Just why can't there be real freedom of Christian religion in Armenia?
How dare Armenian police terrorize Baptist church services in your native land! Armenian Americans have begged, whined and mooched $1.5 billion of my tax money over the past ten years. Good sir, why should I give one more red cent to your tiny state? I don't owe Armenia anything and neither does any other real American!
Why has Armenia begged the Russian to build three army bases in their tiny state and brought in Russian troops? You have Russian MIG fighter jets and surface to air missiles all over your tiny place to "defend" it. Since Armenia loves the Russians so much why not let the Russians keep up your corrupt government--why should I give Armenia my tax money under such conditions?
Just what kind of Christians are there in Armenia? My research, based on many conversations I have had with Armenian Christians in Armenian churches, and other sources I discovered show that Armenians don't follow the same Christ American Christians follow! The Bible American Christians believe in would never approve of a sneak, cowardly and surprise attack on poor Muslims' homes and expel more than one million of them to tent city existence, all in the name of Jesus! (or greed in reality should I say!).
This is not --please permit me to say again so that you do not misunderstand--these are not Christian actions!
Christ would never have approved of Armenians traveling the world to murder innocent Turkish officials. Armenians killed several here in my United States of America. These Turks, whether, I agreed with them or not, were guests in my country. Armenia had no right to invade my country to murder anyone! Your church has stood moot and said nothing to these horrible murders. Christ would never have approved of such things! Just what kind of religion does the church of Armenia follow anyway?
Armenians have attacked and blown up the home of an American university professor in an attempt to silence him for sharing his findings of Armenian truth! Just how proud, good sir, are you of this Armenian tactic of terror and violence against an American citizen with whom you disagree?
Please permit me to ask one last question: Just why is the terrorist organization, Armenian Revolutionary Federation, headquartered and have records here in the United States of America? Why did this "Federation" refuse me the opportunity to research their records in Boston when I first began my research? Since the ARF makes use of American tax laws why are the records secret? I just walked into the archives in Washington DC, Rome, Paris, London, and yes, even into the archives, unannounced, in Istanbul, and was allowed to research freely. What are Armenians hiding? Why are the Armenians keep spreading the lies that Turkish archives are closed?
Buy the book and read it for yourself. You will be enlightened to the fact that I am not a lackey for Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia or anyone else! I based my book on historical facts published mostly by Armenian scholars. As a taxpayer I am fed up with giving away billions of my tax dollars to Armenia and we get nothing back except insults and abuses as well as endless Armenian demands. I conclude that Armenians do not appreciate plain people like me who are paying out the billions of dollars to your self-called terrorist "ancient homeland."
Prove me wrong and I will be delighted to make a public retraction. If you can't prove me wrong then why don't you start by expressing the first "thank you" to the American people for all we have done for Armenia without the first public "thank you" yet!
Yours truly,
Sam Weems
Armenia employs its “Christian” church to carry out official terrorist policies. It also uses its diaspora in the US to block American aid to Azerbaijan, where one million people were forced to leave their homes as a result of Armenian attacks.
Author Samuel A. Weems has written and published the first book in a projected series on the great Armenian deception, called Armenia: Secrets of a “Christian” Terrorist State, in which he explains how Armenia reaps billions of US dollars in financial aid and deceives the world by making up false stories about a so-called genocide through their “Christian” identity.
Mr. Weems carried out extensive research in London, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Istanbul and Washington D.C. before writing this book. Weems discovered that Armenian attacks on other countries are official state policy and that the Armenian government has many secrets hidden in archives in its capital Yerevan and in Boston, Massachusetts; neither is open to the public. The book presents evidence to prove that in fact there was no genocide against the Armenians in the early 20th century and argues that what happened in 1915 were mass killings carried out by both sides. However, Weems writes that Armenia intentionally created what he calls a ‘genocide industry’ for the sole purpose of obtaining massive foreign aid. According to the book, over the last 10 years, the United States has given the tiny country of Armenia more than $1.4 billion of American taxpayers’ money.
The book also argues that Armenia employs its “Christian” church to carry out official terrorist policies. It also uses its diaspora in the US to block American aid to Azerbaijan, where one million people were forced to leave their homes as a result of Armenian attacks.
Mr. Weems, a US citizen of Scottish descent and a former district attorney (prosecutor) and judge, aims with his new book to draw attention to the fact that Armenia fabricates falsehoods and supports terrorist activity to secure US financial assistance. He believes that the Armenian state is a dictatorship and has established an international network to support Armenian terror. What’s more, Weems believes that during World War II many Armenians gave active support to Hitler’s forces and fought shoulder-to-shoulder with Nazis in the Northern Caucasus and the Netherlands. In addition, Weems uncovered evidence in Armenian newspapers proving that Nazi secret agents working in Turkey in 1941-1944 were aided by Armenians.
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Here's a plain text only version:
- Contents-Preface-Introduction / Secrets Of A "Christian" Terrorist State Armenia
- I: Holy Terror
- II: Who Has Better Claim To Lands Of Modern-Day Turkey –Great Civilizations Of Past Or Armenia?
- III: Armenia Founded As Dictatorship Armenia Didn’t Become Republic By Vote Of People
- IV: The Armenian Numbers Game And Their Use Of Two Sets Of Books
- V: Armenia Loses Unprovoked War On Georgia Armenians Seek Free Handouts From Christian World
- VI: Admiral Sees Armenian’s Claims as "Absolutely False", PeaceConference Gives Armenians Nothing
- VII: What Kind Of Christians Are The Armenians Who Claim To Be The First Christian State? Armenian Terrorist Activities . .
- VIII: The Corrupt Armenian State – Their People Pay a Terrible Price Greatest Scandal in American Charitable History . .
- IX: Bloodthirsty Armenian Bandits A Despotic Armenian Regime
- X: What Can Be Expected From Armenia Exalting The Goal Of Friendship One Day And Slandering Their Neighbors Before the Allies the Next
- XI: Armenian Cruelty Armenia Refuses To Help Muslims In Its State And Continues To Spread Terror by Attacking Defenseless Muslim Villages
- XII: Armenian Leaders Establish Worldwide Political Organization to Support Campaigns of Violence and Terror
- XIII: Paid Armenian Agents Mold Public Opinion in the United States American Eyewitnesses Prove There Was no Turk Massacre or Genocide of Armenians
- XIV: Armenians Dangerous To Get Mixed Up With Allies Question Whose Side Armenia Is Really On
- XV: Armenians Establish American Colony British Say There Was No Genocide
- XVI: Armenians Lose Sneak Attack On Azerbaijan Land-Grab Attempt Fails
- XVII: American High Commissioner for Relief States `Armenians Are Professional Beggars" Corrupt Armenian Officials Steal Foreign Aid and There Is Corrupt Redistribution of Land Taken Without Compensation from Muslims
- XVIII: U.S. Senate Says "No" to Armenians Armenian-American Lobby Organization Fabricates Reports of Muslims Massacring Christians
- XIX: Armenia Voluntarily Joins Soviet Union "Republic" Becomes Communist Of Its Own Free Will
- XX: Armenians Join Hitlers Nazi Cause Ten Years To Help Nazis Attempt To Conquer The World
- XXI: Armenia in Today’s World Still a Terrorist State & EndNotes
It is a religious war supposedly happened only in the middle ages practices of killing others if they practiced another religion, in fact it very much alive today.
Armenia has used religion as a pivotal stand to influence the others and still uses it saying that "we are the first christian country, down with the other religions, you other christians, we have originated the christianity, so you owe us so much, you ought to help us with these bloody turks , turks are evil, armenians are angels because, you see, we are the first christian state . . blah blah"
(IP Address Logged)
You talk about the Armenians being terrorist, but do you know why they are doing this?
because you are responsible for the genocide.
It is justifiable for us to terrorize, you know what they say
"eye for an eye"
(IP Address Logged)
great book. and this comment is spot on...
Armenia has used religion as a pivotal stand to influence the others and still uses it saying that "we are the first christian country, down with the other religions, you other Christians, we have originated the Christianity, so you owe us so much, you ought to help us with these bloody Turks , Turks are evil, Armenians are angels because, you see, we are the first christian state . . blah blah"
(IP Address Logged)
What nonsensical discussions here....why would someone educated enough bother reading the book? Obviously, the writer has no idea what he is writing about. However, I MUST comment on his expertise of turning the facts to his liking and telling the story the way he wants. I must applaud him for what he has done so masterfully. Other than that, the book is nonsense. G
A Book That Shows Armenian lies and fake propaganda. Terrorists armenians and France cooparated and massacred Turks but the armenians are crying and begging for the money. I wish everyone would see the real side of the story.
There is no short cut... This blog contains by now over a hundred thousand pages of irrefutable first hand sourced information with an excellent system of reaching all postings. Samuel Weems is just one of the too many. Attention, we are not speaking of Armenians as a a race or nation; this is just one "excellent mafia system" the Dashnaks that goads everyone. I understand they could only get 7 percent votes but they act like the ultimate King or ingle authority. Many nations may have similar sets ups of deceiving and milking money... I have not met any Armenian that I did not become a friend of, the problem is with the fanatics... Greeks have many, and Kurds and Turks or Arabs, etc. usually have similar groups with heroic images, but money money... Read "Reno Evening Gazette" Nov.14, 1915 in this blog... Nothing has changed...
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